Thursday, January 25, 2007

Please don't make me BEG...

We really appreciate the help we have received up to now. But we are still in a difficult situation, and need you help and support.

Edith has been receiving about a bag of blood per day. We really need for people to donate blood. Last post I said that people how had O+ could donate, well now I know that those with O- can also donate. If you don't know what blood type you are, call the blood bank 773-702-6247. They'll walk you through the process. If you are not the right blood type, you can donate Platelets. Please take a moment of your time to donate!

If you have already donate, THANK YOU very much. We really can't express our gratitude. Yet, we may need to ask you to donate again, 54 days from the last time you donated!
If you haven't, Please make the save Edith!

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